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     Caring For Your Grown Duck

Congratulations! You have a grown duck! In order to keep your adult duck happy and healthy, follow these steps routinely. 

  1. Build your backyard ducks a shelter strong enough to protect them from predators and not have holes big enough for rats to come into the shelter.​ Having a covering of any kind on the shelter is a good idea to prevent any pests from climbing into the shed. The shed should be large enough for your ducks to freely expand their wings in it. Put your ducks in the shelter when it gets dark so they don't get seen by predators. Get your ducks out of the shed in the morning. ​

  2. Change the hay or straw (or whatever you have as bedding ) of your pet ducks' shelter weekly.

  3. Change your pet ducks' food and water daily, and provide food and water for them at all times. Make sure whenever there is duck food around, there is water around, so the ducks don't choke on the food. 

  4. Make sure mold is not growing on your pet ducks' food containers and water bowls; keep the food and water containers clean.

  5. Get a kidde pool (ponds work as well) and let your pet ducks swim in it freely.

  6. Change the water of the kiddie pool weekly. 

  7. Play and give attention to your ducks! Your pet ducks will enjoy playing with you and interacting with you, so give up some of your time to play with them.



QUACK QUACK PRODUCTIONS INC. Presents Duck And Duckling Care for Dummies, Duck Breeds, and Duck Egg Info

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