Duck Breeds and Their Personalities
Pekin Ducks- Pekin ducks are adorable, silly, and fun. They are among the most popular of duck breeds. Pekin ducks are the best choice for a pet. They will let you pet them and interact with them, and they will be excited when they see you coming. Pekin ducks can hurt you though. Sometimes, they might just be trying to play or are they're excited, but they might chase you and nibble/bite you. At least, that's the case with our Pekin Duck Donald. Also, Pekin Ducks cannot fly. In general, Pekin Ducks are social and interacting pets which are the best choice for a family pet duck.
Indian Runner Duck- Indian Runner Ducks have a very unique appearance. They stand upright and instead of waddling, they run. Indian Runners are excellent egg layers. They lay about 150 to 200 eggs a year. However, Indian Runners might not be the most social pets, and not as approachable as Pekins. Indian Runner ducks do not fly.
Khaki Campbells- Khaki Campell Ducks are exceptional egg layers, they can lay an average of 320 eggs a year! Also, Khaki Campells are gentle, and quiet, and can be handled. Khaki Campells are a good choice if you want a lot of eggs and at the same time interact with your ducks.
Rouen Ducks- Rouen Ducks are similiar in appearance to Mallard Ducks. Rouens are calm and sociable and might make a good pet for you.
Cayuga Ducks- Cayuga Ducks are quiet, and beautiful ducks. They are unique because they have a shiny green plumage. Cayuga's tend to stay close to home and they are more likely to hatch an egg than other breeds because Cayuga's will sit on their eggs more often than other domesticated duck breeds. Cayuga ducks can't fly.
Welsh Harlequin- Welsh Harlequin Ducks are beautiful ducks and good egg layers. Welsh Harlequin Ducks, like Cayugas, are good at hatching eggs themselves compared to other domesticated duck breeds. Welsh Harlequin ducks are also calm.
Call Ducks- Call ducks are very cute and small ducks. Call ducks are loud however, hence their name CALL duck. Call ducks can also fly, so you have to routinely clip their wings.
Buff Ducks- Buff ducks have a calm temperament and lay about 150 to 220 eggs a year. Buff Ducks, despite their calm temperament, might be better off with a flock than just a family, since Buff Ducks might not bond with humans that much.
Blue Swedish Ducks- Blue Swedish Ducks are calm ducks and can be handled and petted. However, some might be skiddish or afraid of humans. Blue Swedish Ducks are also good egg layers.